We’ve all heard the phrase ‘buy less, buy better,’ but what does this actually mean and how can we live by it?
'Buy less, buy better' is a philosophy of purchasing fewer items of higher quality, rather than more items of lower quality. It may seem a cliche, but this mantra is key to a more sustainable fashion industry when you consider that a staggering 150 billion garments are being produced globally every year.
It was with the rise of fast fashion — manufacturing cheap, poorly made clothing based on hyper-trends — that overproduction and overconsumption reached new heights. Shein, the poster-child for ultra-fast fashion, updates its website with as many as 10,000 new styles every day, at bottom-dollar prices. It's no wonder then, when you can buy a fun outfit for the cost of a couple of coffees, 'buy less, buy better' can seem like a hard sell.
Estimates suggest that more than half of all clothing purchases are discarded in less than a year, and landfills burn the equivalent of one rubbish lorry full of garments each and every second.
Reports from The RealReal and Thredup suggest that even when buying used, secondhand items, customers still crave constant newness and still struggle with overconsumption.
Fundamentally, to make a positive change, we all need to refashion our relationship with our wardrobes and start shopping more consciously in all aspects.
Before making a purchase, try asking yourself:
What am I buying and why?
Will I still love it after the novelty has worn off?
Can I see myself wearing this over and over again?
Will I still want to wear it in 6 months?
Will I still want to wear it in 2 years?
Will it last?
Disentangling ourselves from fast fashion and whittling down purchases to only those items you truly love is not only better for our planet, it can also lead to a better sense of personal style and greater confidence in your wardrobe choices. Put simply, it can mean the end of "what do I wear?" panic moments.
Investors apply a high level of scrutiny to their investments. Do the same with your wardrobe. Invest in quality over quantity. Buy less, buy better.